Bun venit!
Principiul pe care merge acest Blog este de a informa lumea de pretutindeni ce s-a petrcut in inimile semenilor nostrii englezi si americani cand au aflat de tragica veste a scufundarii Titanicului, care a avut un impact international, si care a fascinat mintea omului generatii la rand. Acest Blog e folositor oamenilor de toate varstele: copii, parinti, batrani, elevi, studenti si profesori. Blogul ne va arata ce s-a intamplat in noaptea de 14 spre 15 aprilie 1912, intre orele 23:40 in seara zilei de 14 aprilie si 2:00 in dimineata zilei de 15 aprilie. Cum putem invata si cum putem evita aceasta tragica experienta.
Ne cerem iertare
Ne cerem iertare pentru eventualele greseli de tehnoredactare, inregistrarea si conectare se fac pe propria raspundere!
Va multumim ca ne intelegeti,
Va multumim ca ne intelegeti,
luni, 23 iunie 2008
lista pasagerilor de la clasa I
Allen, Miss Elizabeth WaltonAllison, Mr. H. J.Allison, Mrs. H. J. and MaidAllison, Miss LAllison, Master T. and NurseAnderson, Mr. HarryAndrews, Miss Cornelia I.Andrews, Mr. ThomasAppleton, Mrs. E. D.Artagaveytia, Mr. RamonAstor, Colonel J. J. and ManservantAstor, Mrs. J. J and MaidAubert, Mrs. N. and MaidBarkworth, Mr. A. H.Baumann, Mr. J.Baxter, Mrs. JamesBaxter, Mr. QuiggBeattie, Mr. T.Beckwith, Mr. R. L.Beckwith, Mrs. R. L.Behr, Mr. K. H.Bishop, Mr. D. H.Bishop, Mrs. D. H.Bjornstrom, Mr. H.Blackwell, Mr. Stephen WeartBlank, Mr. HenryBonnell, Miss CarolineBonnell, Miss LilyBorebank, Mr. J. J.Bowen, MissBowerman, Miss ElsieBrady, Mr. John B.Brandeis, Mr. E.Brayton, Mr. GeorgeBrewe, Dr Arthur JacksonBrown, Mrs. J. J.Brown, Mrs. J. M.Bucknell, Mrs. W. and MaidButt, Major Archibald W.Calderhead, Mr. E. P.Candee, Mrs. ChurchillCardoza, Mrs. J. W. M. and MaidCardoza, Mr. T. D. M and ManservantCarlson, Mr. FrankCarran, Mr. F. M.Carran, Mr. J. P.Carter, Mr. William E.Carter, Mrs. William E. and MaidCarter, Miss LucileCarter, Master William T. and ManservantCase, Mr. Howard B.Cassebeer, Mrs. H. A.Cavendish, Mr. T.W.Cavendish, Mrs. T. W. and MaidChaffee, Mr. Herbert F.Chaffee, Mrs. Herbert F.Chambers, Mr. N. C.Chambers, Mrs. N. C.Cherry, Miss GladysChevre, Mr. PaulChibnafl, Mrs. E. M. BowermanChisholm, Mr. RobertClark, Mr. Walter M.Clark, Mrs. Walter M.Clifford, Mr. George QuincyColley, Mr. E. P.Compton, Mrs. A. T.Compton, Miss S. P.Compton, Mr. A. T., Jr.Cornell, Mrs. R. G.Crafton, Mr. John B.Crosby, Mr. Edward G.Crosby, Mrs. Edward G.Crosby, Miss HarrietCummings, Mr. John BradleyCummings, Mrs. John BradleyDaly, Mr. P. D.Daniel, Mr. Robert W.Davidson, Mr. ThorntonDavidson, Mrs. Thorntonde Villiers, Mrs. B.Dick, Mr. A. A.Dick, Mrs. A. A.Dodge, Dr. WashingtonDodge, Mrs. WashingtonDodge, Master WashingtonDouglas, Mrs. F. C.Douglas, Mr. W. D.Douglas, Mrs. W. D. and MaidDulles, Mr. William C.Earnshew, Mrs. BoultonEndres, Miss CarolineEustis, Miss E. M.Evans, Miss E.Flegenheim, Mrs. A.Flynn, Mr. J. I.Foreman, Mr. B. L.Fortune, Mr. MarkFortune, Mrs. MarkFortune, Miss EthelFortune, Miss AliceFortune, Miss MabelFortune, Mr. CharlesFranklin, Mr. T. P.Frauenthal Mr. T. G.Frauenthal, Dr. Henry W.Frauenthal, Mrs. Henry W.Frolicher, Miss MargueriteFutrelle, Mr. J.Futrelle, Mrs. J.Gee, Mr. ArthurGibson, Mrs. L..Gibson, Miss D.Giglio, Mr. VictorGoldenberg, Mr. S. L.Goldenberg, Mrs. S. L.Goldschmidt, Mrs. George B.Gordon, Sir Cosmo DuffGordon, Lady Duff and MaidGracie, Colonel ArchibaldGraham, Mr.Graham, Mrs William GGraham, Miss MargaretGreenfield, Mrs. L. D.Greenfield, Mrs. W. B.Guggenheim, Mr BenjaminHarder, Mr. George A.Harder, Mrs. George A.Harper, Mr. Henry Sleeper and ManservantHarper, Mrs. Henry SleeperHarris, Mr. Henry B.Harris, Mrs. Henry B.Harrison, Mr. W. H.Haven, Mr. H.Hawksford, Mr. W. J.Hays, Mr. Charles M.Hays, Mrs. Charles M. and MaidHays, Miss Margaret Head, Mr. ChristopherHilliard, Mr. Herbert HenryHipkins, Mr. W. E.Hippach, Mrs. Ida S.Hippach, Miss JeanHogeboom, Mrs. John C.Holverson, Mr. A. O.Holverson, Mrs. A. O.Hoyt, Mr. Frederick M.Hoyt, Mrs. Frederick M.Holt, Mr. W. F.Isham, Mrs. A. E.Ismay, Mr. J. Bruce and ManservantJakob, Mr. BirnbaumJones, Mr. C. CJulian, Mr. H. F.Kent, Mr. Edward A.Kenyon, Mr. F. R.Kenyon, Mrs. F. R.Kimball, Mr. E. N.Kimball, Mrs. E. N.Klaber, Mr. HermanLambert-Williams, Mr. Fletcher FellowsLeader, Mrs. F. A.Lewy, Mr. E. G.Lindstroem, Mrs. J.Lines, Mrs. Ernest H.Lines, Miss Mary C.Lingrey Mr EdwardLong, Mr.. Milton C.Langley, Miss Gretchen F.Loring, Mr. J. H.Madill, Miss Georgette AlexandraMaguire, Mr. J. E.Marechal, Mr. PierreMarvin, Mr. D. W.Marvin, Mrs. D. W.McCaffry. Mr. T.McCarthy, Mr. Timothy J.McGough, Mr. J. R.Meyer, Mr. Edgar J.Meyer, Mrs. Edgar J.Millet, Mr. Frank D.Missahan, Dr. W. E.Missahan, Mrs. W. B.Missahan, Miss DaisyMoch, Mr. Pkdtp E.Moch, Mr. Phillip E.Molson, Mr. H. MarklandMoore, Mr. Clarence and ManservantNatsch, Mr. CharlesNewell, Mr. A. W.Newell, Miss AliceNewell, Miss MadelineNewsom, Miss HelenNicholson, Mr. A. S.Omont, Mr. F.Ostby, Mr. E. COstby, Miss Helen R.Ovies, Mr. S.Parr, Mr. M. H. W.Partner, Mr. AustinPayne, Mr. V.Pears, Mr. ThomasPears, Mrs. ThomasPenasco, Mr. VictorPenasco, Mrs. Victor and MaidPeuchen, Major ArthurPorter, Mr. Walter ChamberlainPotter, Mrs. Thomas, Jr.Reuchlin, Mr. Jonkheer, J. G.Rheims, Mr. GeorgeRobert, Mrs. Edward S. and MaidRoebling, Mr. Washington A., 2ndRolmane, Mr. C.Rood, Mr. Hugh R.Rosenbaum, MissRoss, Mr. J. HugoRothes, the Countess of and MaidRothschild, Mr. M.Rothschild, Mrs. M.Rowe, Mr. AlfredRyerson, Mr. ArthurRyerson, Mrs. Arthur and MaidRyerson, Miss EmilyRyerson, Miss SusanRyerson, Master JackSaalfeld, Mr. AdolpheSchabert, Mrs. PaulSeward, Mr. Frederick K.Shutes, Miss E. W.Silverthorne, Mr. S. V.Silvey, Mr. William B.Silvey, Mrs. William B.Simonius, Mr. Oberst AltonsSloper, Mr. William T.Smart, Mr. John M.Smith, Mr. J. ClinchSmith, Mr. R. W.Smith, Mr. L P.Smith, Mrs. L P.Snyder, Mr. JohnSnyder, Mrs. JohnSoloman, Mr. A. L.Spedden, Mr. Frederick O.Spedden, Mrs. Frederick O. and MaidSpedden, Master R. Douglas and NurseSpencer, Mr. W. A.Spencer, Mrs. W. A. and MaidStahelin, Dr. MaxStead, Mr. W. T.Steffanson, B. B.Steffanon, H. B.Stehli, Mr. Max FrolicherStehli, Mrs. Max FrolicherStengel, Mr. C. E. H.Stengel, Mrs. C. E. H.Stewart, Mr. A. A.Stone, Mrs. George M. and MaidStraus, Mr. Isidor and ManservantStraus, Mrs. Isidor and MaidSutton, Mr. FrederickSwift, Mrs. Frederick JoelTaussig, Mr. EmilTaussig, Mrs. EmilTaussig, Miss RuthTaylor, Mr. E. ZTaylor, Mrs. E. Z.Thayer, Mr. J. B.Thayer, Mrs. J. B. and MaidThayer, Mr. J. B., Jr.Thorne, Mr. G.Thorne, Mrs. G.Tucker, Mr. G. M., Jr.Uruchurtu, Mr. M. R.Van der Hoef, Mr. WyckoffWalker, Mr. W. AndersonWarren, Mr. F. M.Warren, Mrs. F. M.Weir, Mr. J.White, Mr. Percival W.White, Mr. Richard F.White, Mrs. J. Stuart and Maid and ManservantWick, Mr. George D.Wick, Mrs. George D.Wick, Miss MaryWidener, Mr. George D. and ManservantWidener, Mrs. George D. and MaidWidener, Mr.. HarryWillard, Miss ConstanceWilliams, Mr. DuaneWilliams, Mr. R. N., Jr.Woolner, Mr. HughWright, Mr. GeorgeYoung, Miss Marie
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